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Why soya wax is better for us & are pets.

WHY Paraffin wax is a product to avoid!?

Paraffin wax is a ingredient to avoid. Mass-produced candles are usually made with paraffin wax which emits carcinogens when it burns (no, thank you). For you and your family pets, it’s best to stick to organic soy, coconut or beeswax candles.

Paraffin is a byproduct of refining crude oil—and like most things made from petroleum, it gives off a lot of chemicals when it burns. The sooty black gunk that builds up along the edges of your carpet or behind pictures on your walls? It’s candle residue.

Worse, the dyes and scents added to paraffin wax candles are chemicals manufactured in a laboratory—which only adds to the toxic load. (The EPA has actually found that scented candles are a major source of candle soot.)

If you’re thinking this is bad for your health, you’re right! But it’s even worse for our pets.

Because they’re smaller than we are, the chemicals from paraffin wax candles can easily build up in their bodies (not to mention overwhelm their keen sense of smell). So while we may think of candles as a great way to freshen up the house, to our pets, being around toxic candles burning on a regular basis isn’t that much better than sitting near the tailpipe of a running car.

so next time your doing your regular food shop, think before throwing in a scented candle.

At larchwood scents we Believe in only the best for are customers. educating people on what they are actually buying is important, and making the word that slightly be cleaner is more simple than we think.

thanks for reading Cameron & Kaine (Larchwood Scents)

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